Legal notice

The website internet, is designed for web users who wish to find out more about Château La Tour de Mons and its wines. This is an institutional website, and does not sell products or services on line. The information provided on this website and contained in the downloadable documents are given for guidance only and are not legally binding.

By website content, we understand the general structure, the texts, images whether animated or not, and the sounds, that the website is composed of. All use or reproduction of this website, partial or total, by whatever process, without the express previously-obtained authorization by SC Château Labegorce, is forbidden, and would constitute an offence as provided for in Articles L335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Law.

Any use that may be made for other purposes is expressly forbidden.

SC Château Labegorce cannot be held responsible for any damage resulting from access to the website or the impossibility of gaining access to it. SC Château Labegorce also declines to accept responsibility concerning any material or non-material damage resulting from use of this website and the information it contains.

Terms of use

SC Château Labegorce maintains this site for use by persons lawfully permitted to consume or purchase alcoholic beverages, accessing the site from countries where the consumption or purchase of alcoholic beverages is legal. When you access the site, you will be asked to verify that your age is at least the legal age for the consumption of alcoholic beverages in the country where you are located, in order to prevent access to this site by minors and people whose country of residence prohibits the consumption of alcoholic beverages. Please leave this site immediately if you do not agree to the terms and conditions of use, or if your age is not at least the legal age for the consumption of alcoholic beverages in the country in which you are located, or if you are in a country where the use of these sites is not authorized.

Personal data

The legal basis of the treatment is the legitimate interest (see Article 6.1.f of the European Regulation on Data Protection). Château La Tour de Mons collects your email address when you choose to subscribe to our newsletter or to one of our activities. To analyse the performance of our site, we may also automatically collect certain information such as your IP address, Internet browser and navigation information, the subject of your research and your website consultations. Château La Tour de Mons is responsible for handling personal data collected and uses it for information or external communication purposes. You have a right to access, rectify and withdraw any personal data by writing to the following address: We use SendinBlue to send newsletters. When you subscribe, you acknowledge that the information you provide will be transferred to SendinBlue for processing in accordance with their policies and terms of use.


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This website is published by

SC Château Labegorce
33460 Margaux
Tel : + 33 (0)5 57 88 71 32
RCS Bordeaux 317684538


Development and Hosting : ael et OVH
Photography : SC Château Labegorce
Archives : SC Château Labegorce